采用jspsmartupload上傳文件時,,如果文件名含有中文,在服務(wù)器端取得文件名是會出現(xiàn)亂碼,。如果表單項中填寫了中文,,一樣會有亂碼問題。看了下jspsmartupload的源碼,,改了兩個地方,,現(xiàn)在可以沒有亂碼問題了,。 第一個地方,修改類SmartUpload中的upload()方法
- public void upload()
- throws SmartUploadException, IOException, ServletException
- {
- int totalRead = 0;
- int readBytes = 0;
- long totalFileSize = 0L;
- boolean found = false;
- String dataHeader = new String();
- String fieldName = new String();
- String fileName = new String();
- String fileExt = new String();
- String filePathName = new String();
- String contentType = new String();
- String contentDisp = new String();
- String typeMIME = new String();
- String subTypeMIME = new String();
- boolean isFile = false;
- m_totalBytes = m_request.getContentLength();
- m_binArray = new byte[m_totalBytes];
- for(; totalRead < m_totalBytes; totalRead += readBytes)
- try
- {
- m_request.getInputStream();
- readBytes = m_request.getInputStream().read(m_binArray, totalRead, m_totalBytes - totalRead);
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- throw new SmartUploadException("Unable to upload.");
- }
- for(; !found && m_currentIndex < m_totalBytes; m_currentIndex++)
- if(m_binArray[m_currentIndex] == 13)
- found = true;
- else
- m_boundary = m_boundary + (char)m_binArray[m_currentIndex];
- if(m_currentIndex == 1)
- return;
- m_currentIndex++;
- do
- {
- if(m_currentIndex >= m_totalBytes)
- break;
- dataHeader = getDataHeader();
- m_currentIndex = m_currentIndex + 2;
- isFile = dataHeader.indexOf("filename") > 0;
- fieldName = getDataFieldValue(dataHeader, "name");
- if(isFile)
- {
- filePathName = getDataFieldValue(dataHeader, "filename");
- fileName = getFileName(filePathName);
- fileExt = getFileExt(fileName);
- contentType = getContentType(dataHeader);
- contentDisp = getContentDisp(dataHeader);
- typeMIME = getTypeMIME(contentType);
- subTypeMIME = getSubTypeMIME(contentType);
- }
- getDataSection();
- if(isFile && fileName.length() > 0)
- {
- if(m_deniedFilesList.contains(fileExt))
- throw new SecurityException("The extension of the file is denied to be uploaded (1015).");
- if(!m_allowedFilesList.isEmpty() && !m_allowedFilesList.contains(fileExt))
- throw new SecurityException("The extension of the file is not allowed to be uploaded (1010).");
- if(m_maxFileSize > (long)0 && (long)((m_endData - m_startData) + 1) > m_maxFileSize)
- throw new SecurityException(String.valueOf((new StringBuffer("Size exceeded for this file : ")).append(fileName).append(" (1105).")));
- totalFileSize += (m_endData - m_startData) + 1;
- if(m_totalMaxFileSize > (long)0 && totalFileSize > m_totalMaxFileSize)
- throw new SecurityException("Total File Size exceeded (1110).");
- }
- if(isFile)
- {
- com.jspsmart.upload.File newFile = new com.jspsmart.upload.File();
- newFile.setParent(this);
- newFile.setFieldName(fieldName);
- newFile.setFileName(fileName);
- newFile.setFileExt(fileExt);
- newFile.setFilePathName(filePathName);
- newFile.setIsMissing(filePathName.length() == 0);
- newFile.setContentType(contentType);
- newFile.setContentDisp(contentDisp);
- newFile.setTypeMIME(typeMIME);
- newFile.setSubTypeMIME(subTypeMIME);
- if(contentType.indexOf("application/x-macbinary") > 0)
- m_startData = m_startData + 128;
- newFile.setSize((m_endData - m_startData) + 1);
- newFile.setStartData(m_startData);
- newFile.setEndData(m_endData);
- m_files.addFile(newFile);
- } else
- {
- String value = new String(m_binArray, m_startData, (m_endData - m_startData) + 1, "utf-8");
- m_formRequest.putParameter(fieldName, value);
- }
- if((char)m_binArray[m_currentIndex + 1] == '-')
- break;
- m_currentIndex = m_currentIndex + 2;
- } while(true);
- }
public void upload()
throws SmartUploadException, IOException, ServletException
int totalRead = 0;
int readBytes = 0;
long totalFileSize = 0L;
boolean found = false;
String dataHeader = new String();
String fieldName = new String();
String fileName = new String();
String fileExt = new String();
String filePathName = new String();
String contentType = new String();
String contentDisp = new String();
String typeMIME = new String();
String subTypeMIME = new String();
boolean isFile = false;
m_totalBytes = m_request.getContentLength();
m_binArray = new byte[m_totalBytes];
for(; totalRead < m_totalBytes; totalRead += readBytes)
readBytes = m_request.getInputStream().read(m_binArray, totalRead, m_totalBytes - totalRead);
catch(Exception e)
throw new SmartUploadException("Unable to upload.");
for(; !found && m_currentIndex < m_totalBytes; m_currentIndex++)
if(m_binArray[m_currentIndex] == 13)
found = true;
m_boundary = m_boundary + (char)m_binArray[m_currentIndex];
if(m_currentIndex == 1)
if(m_currentIndex >= m_totalBytes)
dataHeader = getDataHeader();
m_currentIndex = m_currentIndex + 2;
isFile = dataHeader.indexOf("filename") > 0;
fieldName = getDataFieldValue(dataHeader, "name");
filePathName = getDataFieldValue(dataHeader, "filename");
fileName = getFileName(filePathName);
fileExt = getFileExt(fileName);
contentType = getContentType(dataHeader);
contentDisp = getContentDisp(dataHeader);
typeMIME = getTypeMIME(contentType);
subTypeMIME = getSubTypeMIME(contentType);
if(isFile && fileName.length() > 0)
throw new SecurityException("The extension of the file is denied to be uploaded (1015).");
if(!m_allowedFilesList.isEmpty() && !m_allowedFilesList.contains(fileExt))
throw new SecurityException("The extension of the file is not allowed to be uploaded (1010).");
if(m_maxFileSize > (long)0 && (long)((m_endData - m_startData) + 1) > m_maxFileSize)
throw new SecurityException(String.valueOf((new StringBuffer("Size exceeded for this file : ")).append(fileName).append(" (1105).")));
totalFileSize += (m_endData - m_startData) + 1;
if(m_totalMaxFileSize > (long)0 && totalFileSize > m_totalMaxFileSize)
throw new SecurityException("Total File Size exceeded (1110).");
com.jspsmart.upload.File newFile = new com.jspsmart.upload.File();
newFile.setIsMissing(filePathName.length() == 0);
if(contentType.indexOf("application/x-macbinary") > 0)
m_startData = m_startData + 128;
newFile.setSize((m_endData - m_startData) + 1);
} else
* 原來的代碼
* String value = new String(m_binArray, m_startData, (m_endData - m_startData) + 1);
* 2009-9-17 修改 ,解決取得request的參數(shù)的中文編碼問題
String value = new String(m_binArray, m_startData, (m_endData - m_startData) + 1, "utf-8");
m_formRequest.putParameter(fieldName, value);
if((char)m_binArray[m_currentIndex + 1] == '-')
m_currentIndex = m_currentIndex + 2;
} while(true);
- private String getDataHeader()
- {
- int start = m_currentIndex;
- int end = 0;
- int len = 0;
- boolean found = false;
- while(!found)
- if(m_binArray[m_currentIndex] == 13 && m_binArray[m_currentIndex + 2] == 13)
- {
- found = true;
- end = m_currentIndex - 1;
- m_currentIndex = m_currentIndex + 2;
- } else
- {
- m_currentIndex++;
- }
- String dataHeader = null;
- try {
- dataHeader = new String(m_binArray, start, (end - start) + 1,"utf-8");
- } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return dataHeader;
- }